Monday, September 03, 2007

Top 10 things of Endless Summerfest

This top 10 is dedicated to Taffy for being Filipino

Top 10 things of ESF:
10. OneRepublic canceling because of inclimate weather, although by the time they were supposed to do sound check the entire school was completely dry...
9. Riders4Christ jumping with Kyle Loza who won Gold at the X Games and Dan Norris (Nad) jumping for the first time in a show since his accident...Great job Dan!
8. Bounce house slides in the rain which makes for extremely fast rides
7. Food! Carls, Hot Dog on a Stick, Archies Ice cream, rockstar energy drinks, cotton candy, shave ice, kettle corn, funnel cakes a sugar lovers dream!
6. Avner playing as "OneRepublic"
5. Sleepless me continuing to play despite the deluge that was occuring!
4. Sleepless me hanging out and playing a second time as "Avner"because a previous mentioned band didnt show
3. The ability to win Truth Soul Armor stuff just by making a few putts Tiger Woods would have broke the bank...or would he?
2. Having people show up to the event despite the weather...and in said people, having Tony Hawk show up for the festivities
1. A 1000 ft water spout forming a mile off the coast of San Clemente at the beginning of the event creating a scene that I still to this date refer to as "A scene from Ghostbusters."


Droopy's said...

Lets eat lunch or something this week!!! I think i am having a DROOPY reunion on Saturday from 4-8 i think. I will know by Wednesday!!!


Julie Hibbard said...

Hi Randy...
just checkin' in! Say hello to all!
Go Angels!!