Friday, June 15, 2007

Rob & Big

Most people seem to have some sort of "secret" guilty pleasure. Take my friend Lance for example, his guilty pleasure is Justin Timberlake. Now this could bring on a barrage of questions in regards to Lance as a person, but before you go there, know that i was referring to JT's signing ability. Which brings me to my "I'm not sure if it counts but here I go secret" guilty pleasure. MTV's Rob and Big. For some reason watching these two guys going through life and doing the things they do, is highly addicting to me. I find myself using terms like "Do work son" and who doesn't love that little dog "Meaty" or even the most recent addition to the team, their miniature horse "Mini". I crack up every time i watch an episode. If you haven't seen it yet check it out. If you love it let everyone know!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What would you do with $75 Million?

Well you could buy this house in Corona Del Mar... This house on Brighton Rd in CDM was for sale for a whopping $75 Million. This buys you over 30,000 sq. ft. a glass bottom jacuzzi that you can walk under, 3 pools, bowling alley, movie theater, cafe, and much much more. These videos tell it all. You can watch the long version (8 minutes) Here or you can watch the edited version (2 minutes) Here I'll let you choose. All i know is some people have way to much freakin money.