Friday, April 27, 2007

San Clemente or Bust????

So... my wife and I have been toying with the idea of moving to San Clemente in the next few months...there have been a few deciding factors as to why we would chose S.C.

1. It is beautiful... or as Jim Carey would say B-E-A-Utiful.
2. My work is in San Clemente which means low mileage, low gas, short drive
3. Megan's family is in San Clemente
4. It is beautiful.
5. They have these cute little beach cottages that are 2 bed 1 bath that we can rent... ok so maybe that was more of Megan's reason.

Yeah it looks like this most of the year. Anyway, there are a few things that suck...

1. Housing is expensive.

I thought i would look at a little 1960's 2 bedroom, 1 bath, carport, 900 sq. ft. house for sale... thinking well maybe it will be some what reasonable in price. It had no view (back yard faces another back yard) it is a small lot... etc. Boy was I wrong. You may be thinking, Randy, how much did they want. They wanted $850,000! HOLY CRAP! 900 sq. ft. I just about crapped my pants. Seriously? 850? Am I going crazy? This is ridiculous. I was in Vegas last weekend for a friends wedding and for the same price i could have purchased a 3,200 sq.ft. home in a gated community with a 1 acre lot. BRAND NEW!!!!!

2. Housing is expensive.

3. It is kind of in BFE

4. Its freakin expensive.

So the move is imminent and I am excited I guess.




Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've got a for now and then when it comes time to buy a house, find a more affordable neighborhood. Like Kansas.

Hey, you have to come over and see my deck - it's B-E-A-UTIFUL! :)

Chris Cowden said...

Dude you should move to Austin, TX with Gracie and I!

For 850K you could probably by a 4000 square foot house in the hills (nice) and have enough left over to get a mercedes benz...

Or you could buy a condo like Gracie and I are doing by Lake Travis and have 680K left over to buy 3 or 4 more condos. Am I helping?

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Move to SC and rent. God will either provide for you or you can move again. It's not a permanent decision.