I feel, as well as my wife, that one of God's blessings on my life has come in the form of great parking spots. Yes, that's right, great parking spots. Today, Friday, at the Irvine Spectrum my wife and I arrived to eat dinner and walk around. As we pulled up to the parking structure, the electronic sign that tells you how many spots are open read FULL, FULL, FULL... All three levels full. I decided that given my past experiences i would take my chances and try to find a parking spot.
If you have ever been to the spectrum and visited the original parking structure, you might know that there is an open air, "elite" parking space area. Here, approximately 20 spaces are available to the handicapped and a few other lucky souls.
As we entered the structure, the buzz of cars looking for spots seemed to resonate throughout. Cars circling like vultures over a dying animal. People speeding just to find that a spot has already been taken by another waiting car.
After experiencing this for a few seconds i knew that my one and only choice was to head for the outdoor oasis. The parking for those privileged enough to have the fore site of when to strike for the outdoors. I proceeded to head that direction, as i left the structure and into the luxury parking spaces i noticed that of course there was nothing available. Did I get worried? No. I turned to Megan and said...
I feel it, one is going to open up. We slowly cruised around and just as i made the turn to head back toward the structure, a lady popped out from what seemed to be behind the bushes, pulled out her keys and walked to her car. I pump my fist as if I was Tiger Woods sinking a 30 ft putt for the win.
I knew it! I exclaimed. No more than two minutes after i entered the parking hell at the spectrum our worries and doubts were squashed by a wonderfully close parking spot.
Now you may ask yourself why you just read this entire blog. I can't answer that, but what I can do is give you a little clarity as to where this story is going.
It seems that my "luck" comes in the form of having good parking spots. No matter where we go, or what we are doing, I seem to find good parking spots. Megan actually gets a little baffled as to how I always seem to get these spots. She even went as far as to say,
They must have known you were coming. I think the big guy upstairs knew.
In conclusion, in what area do you feel God has randomly blessed you? I'm not talking about family, friends, jobs. I am talking about parking spots, spare change in the pay phone, always being able to find your lost keys... where has God randomly blessed you?
Let me know